The Fat Cat community, is a vegan community, a pearl within Auckland. Located 20 min by train from the city center, it is a haven of peace and meeting.
The best depart to New-Zealand
When we arrive in a new country, we often lose and we need know where we are. In my case, I had the luck and the pleasure to be able to find my landmarks in a group that I consider as my friends. Arrived at the airport my best friend (cc Marieke :)) looked for me to pick me up to the Youth Hostel, Fat Cat. Located in the outskirts of Auckland it has the advantage of being both close to the city center via the train, but also being far enough away to have more tranquility and cheaper prices.
Located 10min from the Waitakere Reserve, one can easily access the beaches of Piha and Karekare to contemplate the sunset.

It is very easy to go there via hitchhiking (there is only one road) or by organizing with the other travelers.
In addition, the Fat Cat is located next to a shopping center and a librarie allowing you to finalize your administrative files (IRD, change of name for a car, etc …), obtain a bank account and a telephone number.
What is Fat Cat?
The place is wonderful! We are in a comfortable and relaxed place. When arriving, there are two types of accommodation for the night. The bed in dormitory or private room (double bed) within the house or in your car, which will be parked. In car the price is cheaper.
Breakfast and diner are in the living room, everybody eat together.
During the day, workshops are offered. So it is possible to have classes of yoga, dance, juggling, capoeira, etc …
It is also possible to learn to cook with the wwofers in charge of meals. So you can learn to cook vegan, to make bread, pancakes, etc …

A workshop is also available to repair and arrange his car. In addition, the Fat Cat sells car ready to travel at very correct prices. Moreover, if you have a problem with a car, they are ready to help you and repair your car. You also have a after-sales service, which is very rare when you buy a van.
Wwoofing objective
The Fat Cat is a community based on the management by the wwoofers. You have three types of missions:
-> Management and stewardship of the house: manage cleaning, reservations, animation and development of the place.
-> Chief cook, takes care of preparing the evening meals for everyone.
Finally you have the mission outside the Fat Cat, it is the “selling fruits”. You have a car and you will sell fruits during three days in the week. What’s great about this wwoofing is that you have 4 days off. So you have time to make trips with other wwoofers all over New Zealand. Also, quite often, there are travel organizations with activities such as sea kayaking, surfing, rafting at cheap prices! What more! It is a real pleasure to be together and to travel.
Fruits sales stand
The sale of fruit is perfect to have a first contact with Kiwi! To be able to understand their accent and to start discussions with them. It is a real pleasure. And what has touched me personally is the sentences pronounced by kiwi: “Welcome in my country” or “Enjoy in my country”. Knowing that in my native country the question of immigration, the reception of the foreigner has an “extremist” side, it touches me a lot.
The spirit of Fat Cat
Fat Cat is a community that lives on the qualities and skills of everyone. If you think you know nothing, you have no skills. The Fat Cat will allow you to discover them! Everyone helps each other and everyone learns from the other. It is a daily exchange with joy and laughter. Nothing more is needed in this place. And when you leave it you will have a small ball in your stomach and nice memories.
Address: 2A Sherrybrooke Pl, Sunnyvale, Auckland 0612, New Zealand
Phone: +64 210 548 785