Second stop of my trip to Krasnoyarsk
Krasnoyarsk second stop on the Trans-Siberian is a city located on the banks of the Yenisei. Located in a hilly region, the city is a framework more attractive, more opulent and more developed than the other cities of Siberia.
Arrived in the morning in Krasnoyarsk, I decide to put my stuff in a hostel (Hostel VOZDUH) before heading directly to the natural reserve of the Stolby. The 50 from the City Center bus goes directly to the foot of hiking to reach the huge volcanic formations, the dikes.
You can ask directly on the bus to the selling of tickets to warn you to stop oct. Typdaya. After it is also here that everyone stops after 30 min bus, so you won't have to worry about finding.
Arriving, go across the road and take the path to the right which is a wooden staircase. You come to a road deeper into the forest.
Then, you start the walk of 7km to reach the dikes at the top. The path is pretty quiet without vertical drop. You have the choice between the quite pleasant road or the wooden and earthen path that runs alongside the road with descriptions of the surrounding nature.
Get to the top you fall on the granitic dikes. The dikes are relics of the back of the magma in cracks. Over the years, the rock around the dike begins to erode to reveal the dikes (more resistant to erosion). After many years, he remains more than magmatic rock, the rest of the mountain surrounding it disappeared. And thus appears these dikes so imposing tens to hundreds of metres in height.
These dikes are perfect for climbing, and so there are many climbers. However, having not seen many points of assurages, I guess they were doing most of the block at the bend of a path I come across a man of climbing without belay. It was installed throughout the day and climbed the dikes without worry, we saw clearly that he knew by heart the rock.
On the descent, as there is no path, it slipped in between two walls like a lizard.
In the same place I met CouchSurfers, including a Chilean (having lived in France for 5 years) Alessandro, a Chinese and 3 Russians. They also visited the dikes. So I continued my journey in their company. It felt good to be able to speak English and french after four days without being able to have a real conversation.
After the return, they invited me to join them for coffee. I had no idea that the coffee would take place in a yurt at the edge of the Yenisei. Indeed, back in, we felt a very different atmosphere from what you imagined little. It was music jumb, flute, dance, all night long with tea, tchaie and meals of vegetables. I had the impression to be in the dream of the Aboriginal. So we drank, ate, sang, danced throughout the evening. It was very pleasant. We joined Russian friends with which we have discussed on many topics.
As we talked about our reasons to each of travel, that the vote of marriage equality in France and our vision before and now the Russia. I admit that my vision after only a week has changed much on the Russia, but this I will explain at the end of my journey in Russia.
We then returned along the river quietly. Thus, during three kilometres we travelled the banks while having fun, making music and talking. We separated, I returned to the hotel to get my things and I went to the train station in Krasnoyarsk – yes my train was at 3 in the morning. I'm wrong to me on time differences.
This is tomorrow I'd be at Lake Baikal, a beautiful place!