Cookies policy
General information
This Web site uses cookies (cookies). A cookie is a small text that is stored by your browser, which allows it to maintain information between Web pages and browsing sessions. These cookies store information about your browsing. They also help to understand the behavior of users of the site, allowing to make your experience and your navigation on the site more enjoyable. Cookies can only store text, which is still confidential and often encrypted over a period of 14 days. We tried to lose keeps personal data in a cookie.
Deactivation and deletion of cookies
All Web browsers allow you to limit the behaviour of cookies or to disable in the settings or options of the browser. The steps are different for each browser. With your browser, you can also consult existing cookies on your computer and delete them. Disabling cookies will affect your navigation on the site.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is information filed on your hard drive by the server of the site that you visit. The cookie is designed to collect information about your browsing and send the content and services tailored to your interests. It contains several data:
- the name of the server that dropped him;
- an identifier as a unique number;
- possibly an expiration of cookies…
Sometimes, this information is stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and record information.
Why use cookies?
Cookies are used by the site to keep information about your session while you browse the site, keep the details of your browsing and check if you are connected.
This automatic collection allows us to monitor the General activity of the site, errors and ensure that the site has adequate material resources.
These data and in particular your IP address we cannot identify you personally, except to interrogate your access provider, which is possible as part of a judicial procedure.