Bread filled dip
Bread filled to share several Hello everyone, here is a Georgian recipe I discovered during a meal with friends in Moscow. This bread is to share several dipping in bread,…
Bread filled to share several Hello everyone, here is a Georgian recipe I discovered during a meal with friends in Moscow. This bread is to share several dipping in bread,…
Pain rempli à partager à plusieurs Bonjour à tous, voici une recette géorgienne que j'ai découverte lors d'un repas entre amis à Moscou. Ce pain est à partager à plusieurs…
Ulan-Ude last destination in Siberia Last step before joining the Mongolia, Ulan-Ude. Big city East of Lake Baikal, it already has the colors and the Mongols and Buddhist roots. She…
Oulan-Oude dernière destination en Sibérie Dernière étape avant de rejoindre la Mongolie, Oulan-Oude. Grande ville à l’Est du lac Baïkal, elle possède déjà des couleurs et des racines mongoles et…
Lake Baikal, its geology and its history Surrounded by cliffs and forests, Lake Baikal is called the 'Pearl of Siberia ". Crescent shaped, Lake Baikal is more of 630km long…